So called best movies of the year…

… As determined by me.

So 2005 draws closer, and to say good bye to 2004, I turn to the tired cliche of a year end list. This list is a list of the highest ranking movies that I saw (and blogged about) from this year. It is incomplete for the year because I had started this blog back in May. My ranking system was n number of stars out of 5, so to compile a best-of list, I chose those movies with 4 or 5 stars. So without further ado, and in no particular order, here they are.

  • The Day After Tomorrow – Admittedly, this doesn’t deserve the high ranking I gave it, but I’m just going to post it by the numbers. I originally gave it 4 stars, but believe that it should be demoted to 3. As the year wore on, my taste got better. I promise.
  • Spiderman 2 — The best of the summer blockbusters. Hands down.
  • Hero — Kung fu theatre was never as gorgeous as this.
  • The Incredibles — The best movie this year. I loved the design of everything in this movie. I am slowly getting to be a sucker for mid-century modern.
  • Sideways — A critical darling of the traditional movie critics. Good. Not that great, but I can appreciate the finer things in life.
  • Catwoman — Panned by everyone except me. 5 of 5 stars! It was so bad it was good. This movie will be the Showgirls of 2004.
  • Wicker Park — Underappreciated by many. It got mixed reviews. I loved it.

There you have 7 movies that I rated 4 or 5 out of 5 stars. I would’ve liked to keep this as a top 5 list, but I didn’t want to shortchange any of my reviews.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.