Reviews of movies I had seen during the Holidays 2005

Although too late to appear on my year end: list of the best of 2005, I caught some movies over the holidays. I therefore owe you some reviews. I wish I could write these but they will be short.

While some had seen this early in the season, we watched The Family Stone on New Year’s day. While Luke Wilson always is a pleasure to see in a film, this movie does not rest on his shoulders. It rests on Sarah Jessica Parker’s, and her skinny ass could not bring this one home. I lost interest when I could not believe that anyone could fall for her let alone someone her complete opposite. It was only a film.

3 of 5 stars.

To brighten up the holidays, I caught Munich the day after. I think the controversy over this one is uncalled for. Most likely the people complaining about the sympathy it evokes for the Palistinean cause never saw a frame of the film. Yes it does cast Israel in somewhat of a bad light, but only if you think that they should not have retaliated.

In fact, I thought Spielberg gave voice to the anger and made sure that revenge is something that is tolerable. I completely did not read the “war is bad” vibe into this. Maybe Eric Banna did not convey what needed to be conveyed about revenge very well. He was to transform into person who did not know where his morals went. I did not see it.

4 of 5 stars.

I also saw Harry Potter 4 again. I give it 4 of 5 stars on second go round.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Reviews of movies I had seen during the Holidays 2005”

  1. I need to see Munich again. That movie really blew me away. It was nice to see a movie that felt personal even though it’s a studio film.

    I was let down by The Family Stone. I really thought it would be enjoyable. The problem I thought was that it was trying to be a fairytale with splashes of realism. Too bad there were to many uncomfortable sequences that felt all too reall that the ending didn’t feel it fit. That movie could have been really good if it wasn’t for the ending… in fact get rid of the sister all together. Just have the man and woman go on their separate journies. The movie could have just centered around family and that being the true stone. Whatever. I posted on your 2005 list.

  2. I need to proof read before I post. Those sentences are horrific.

  3. Family stone was too predicitable and the characters aside fromluke and rachel were crap. I got to see Munich, but it looks too intense

  4. Yeah, your review pretty much summed it up. I just had to see it for myself, but I didn’t feel it was a complete waste of time. There were some nice moments. Too bad overall the film felt too contrived.

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