New Layout

Since moving to the new, non-beta blogger, I had been wanting to update the site template. I don’t like the new templates offered, so I stuck with the old style blogger tags. I don’t get all the cool functionality that the new blogger offers, but that’s a trade-off I can learn to live with. It was a design decision.

In this new template, I learned all about Cascading Style Sheets and the old blogger template tags. The style sheet for this new layout is messy. It could probably be tighter, as could the layout.

Maybe sometime in the future I will learn the new blogger template stuff, but until then I hope they don’t change the old template tags.

Please let me know what you think of the design. Let me know if using the sight is intuitive. And please let me know if some things don’t work.

Leave feedback in the comments.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

7 Replies to “New Layout”

  1. neat!!! i wanna change mine too. but i like to make my own. like put my own picture or designs. =) thats what im planning to delve into next time

  2. I like it. It’s a sleek clean design. And after all these years you finally changed it. Crazy.

  3. Oh yeah, awesome tag. Damn it! I wish I thought of using the Duderino. =)

  4. Thanks. I’m going to write up my design as a Saturday Evening Post.

    Just wondering if posting a comment was easy. Did you know which link to use in order to make it work? Are the link colors confusing you in the post itself? Did you know you can go directly to the post by clicking the title? Did you know that the timestamp takes you there too?

  5. I like it Browser! Like Marge said, I’d really like to change mine too. Everything seems to work, so far, and comments are easy…soooooo good job!

  6. The date/post/comment design is super clean.

  7. its fun how the numbers on your registry go when you try to hold on the down arrow button. a little matrix-y on the eye. haha!

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