Vote Quimby

I don’t really write much about politics around here. Every time I do end up calling this president a fucking fucktard. (There I go again!).

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday when a lot of states hold their primaries for each political party to assign delegates for a particular presidential candidate. I think it’s about twenty states that hold these primaries or caucuses. Here in Maryland, we don’t have ours until the 12th, but by then the presidential race may have been decided by tomorrow’s poll results.

Even if it was Maryland’s primary day tomorrow, I can’t go because they are not open to registered independents. Thats’s right. I am not associated with a particular party. I sit on the fence and perhaps choose who I think is the best which is strange because I pretty much vote a straight Democrat ticket except for the judges who I don’t even know how they get on the ballot in the first place.

This is all prelude to letting you know that I am endorsing Barack Obama for president. For me, he stands the idea of change. We don’t need another set of royals running the country. It would be 12 years of Bush rule (excluding 8 years of GHWB VP) and 16 years of Clinton rule if Hilary can get elected twice.

That’s too long to see executive power confined to these two families. We need some new blood.

Now, I have some reservations about him. Mostly that he preaches some kind of cross partisan unity. We don’t need any of that. We need a Democratic party leader to put the fucking Republicans in their place. Make them a withered, destroyed, desolate party in full rather than just the souless one they currently play. And he doesn’t really ask for that. I don’t think any Dems are asking for that, but payback is a bitch.

I want change. Perhaps Obama can bring it to us.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Vote Quimby”

  1. hear hear! even if obama is the novice here, he sure is a lot more inspiring than blondie. check out “audacity of hope” if you haven’t already. couldn’t put it down.

  2. Seen it. Sweet.

    I’ll just have to wait until whatever happens.

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