
Marge and I caught the latest Hitchcock film at the Charles, Vertigo. After sitting in traffic and getting to the theatre just in time, we settle in for a really great film.

Jimmy Stewart’s character’s obsession is one of the loneliness and sad realizations in film. Novak’s Madeliene/Judy should’ve gotten out of there when she had the chance. She should’ve forgotten all about Scotty.

My reaction to the film was very different from the one I had when I saw it on DVD. I think that in private, at home, I was able to connect with Scotty’s obsession. It was more intimate and immediate. At the theatre, that feeling of obsession out in public was replaced with apprehension and I connected more with Judy. It is like I was acutely aware of my obsessiveness, and I was embarrassed by it so I chose to be appalled for my self like Judy was for Scotty’s choices. I don’t need her to wear a grey suit.

5 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Vertigo”

  1. why should she create the same loop on that bun?!?

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