
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

14 Replies to “Itsuki-chan”

  1. is this your iphone? hihihi!

  2. Saweet! When do we get to rally?

  3. dude that car is awesome

  4. Capitol Swell could navigate, while I document!

  5. Why don’t you be our navigator, senor 3G iphone?

  6. M and I will race you guys. We’ve done this before. We’d rock your asses. We know JUST the road.

  7. I don’t want an iPhone thrown at me.

    As for BR and M… I believe we have the vehicle that can out maneuver both your cars.

    And we have a 3g phone.

    And cause I said so.

  8. wow, that’s purrrty

  9. Yeah, but that new car smell stinks of high heaven!!

  10. I’m telling you. It’s not the vehicle, its the driver. And the navigator. We surprised both of us that day. Although the vehicle does help…but we’ll take you guys. I soo can’t wait…

  11. I have no idea what your asking about?! You’ll take us on at what? Road rally?

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