Link of the Day [11.22.08]

I’m in the middle of crafting my model of the IJN Yamato. I’m hitting a decent stride spending about an hour a night pulling the pieces off of the sprues, hitting them with some primer, and then painting them. I’m learning the ins and outs of this fine scale modeling thing and have found out some things.

First, put the pieces as you get them off the sprue in a easy to find place. I would usually put them on a sliver of masking tape. The small ones are easy to lose. I’ve already lost some. The small ones are also very fragile. I’ve broken a few pieces already.

Next, you don’t have to follow the directions exactly. I really want to get the big parts connected, but unfortunately, there are too many small parts to do before I get to the big pieces. I just jump to their usage.

Anyway, I’m further along in this endeavor, but not enough to see some well done progress. Here’s an awesome site about the Imperial Japanese Navy. I’m using this post as another of my infamous bookmarking sites.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.