If i told you things i did before told you how I used to be…

This is the official thread 2nd Annual BrowserMetrics Oscar Pool. Who’s gonna take riss down?

It’s an open thread. Have at it.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

24 Replies to “If i told you things i did before told you how I used to be…”

  1. This is a hard year because I think we are all thinking similar things for the top half. It comes down to shorts, effects and editing.

    Eeesh. Stressful.

  2. I think he’s going to write it out like last time. It makes it easier for us to follow along on who’s winning what.

  3. This just for discussing things as the week goes by. It’s the open threading model.

  4. =D i sound impatient. haha! =D

  5. Welp. It’s posted as of 2-11-09 7 am. Go and enjoy!

  6. Really… an awesome job on the ballet. Now I don’t have to confuse anyone with 1/3 2/4/ 3/1 Hehe.

    Looking at that ballet and nominees… this is going to be hard! If I win, can I give an extra 5 for the BD version? =)

  7. What makes you think you’re gonna win?

    And DVD really includes any form of the movie. I wish you guys would choose like a digitial download to play on your iphones, but I know you’re gonna choose the BlueRay versions.

  8. Digital download? They come with films now… well some of them. I would never DD Slumdog or Button… the production values are too sumptuous. Slumdog’s soundtrack and cinematography are sooo rich.

    I’d DD the others.

  9. But gifting iTunes movies is cheaper! 😛

    I kid.

    As long as the winner isn’t choosing one of the more obscure films I’ll be happy. And hopefully those films will be out soon.

    I had to wait months to get riss her prize!

  10. This is pretty cool. Can I get a blue ray version if I win.

  11. I want “The Conscience of Nhem En” on Bluray.

  12. What's that? Is that even a nominee? o_O; This is gonna be scary.

    Perhaps if I win I don't let anyone have any prizes! >_<

  13. I want the Bluray of The Magnificent Ambersons Orson Welles’ cut.

  14. Are you going to real time blog the scores? and is the seed going to provide real time color commentary for the Oscars?

  15. that ballot looks AWESOME! really. and i havent thought of my dvd yet. id like maybe an animated short film.

  16. @theSeed: I can’t get you the orson welles flick bcuz it aint nominated

    @Marge: I hope those animated shorts are one iTunes.

  17. Hehe. I was just kidding anyways, cause that Welles’ cut doesn’t even exist. The extra scenes of that film were supposedly burned. There have been rumors that he kept some in his house. But it turned out to be false. I think they did find some more footage of his unfinished Don Quixote film.

    I actually had to watch some dogs from a person that purchased his home. Maybe I should have rummaged around.

  18. then i’ll have three? =p

  19. @CapSwell: You’ve made a lot of poor choices! No way should you win! Take that sucka!

  20. Okay, so I finally put in my ballot. I’m not very confident since I was not too excited about this years crop of movies. I may change my mind after I watch a few movies before Sunday.

    Who’s twittering the coverage on Sunday? Let’s all get on it. Or I guess we could all watch it together instead of being huge nerds.

  21. Who knows how it’s going to be? I surely didn’t watch the golden globes, but that’s the best tell of what’s going to win.

    I made my choices via guesses. I should’ve done it by throwing darts at a board.

  22. I used Laszlo’s huge lottery database machine.

    I will win.

    Although Capswell may win the 110 mil tie breaker… oh wait there’s no way anyone could tie with him. He either loses all categories or wins on a landslide…. hehe.

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