Linda! Linda! Linda!

Randomly flicking around youtube looking at people play K-ON! or ENOZ. Run into the comparison of Live Alive with the movie Linda! Linda! Linda! Yes. It’s the same. Song kind of rocks. It’s a cover of a song from the premiere Japanese punk band, The Blue Hearts. They’re the Japanese Clash! Look at the structure of the song. The use of Spanish — dead give away that they want to be The Clash.

Funny things you run into late night.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Linda! Linda! Linda!”

  1. I really like Du-na Bae. She's oddly cute. She was awesome in The Host and Sympathy for Mr Vengence.

    Cool. Still haven't seen this. Is it on Netflix? Gonna have to check.

  2. Yeah. I just put it on the top of my queue. When i'll see it I wonder?

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