The Social Network

The Social Network purports to describe the rise of Facebook. You’ll wonder how much is real and how much is made up in order to expedite telling the story. Then you’ll wonder at the digital technology that made one person into two — Lindsay Lohan eat your heart out.

The Social Network starts off with pure Aaron Sorkin dialogue. The banter between Mark Zuckerberg (not Michael Cera) and his soon to be ex-girlfriend would give clues to why he builds Facebook. They talk in multiple threads, and if you aren’t quick enough you’ll get lost in which they are talking about. She hates it, so do I. Eventually, I start to understand what they’re talking about, and what’s happening. It sets up the break up which as the movie unwinds is what ultimately was the impetus: LOVE and women.

He’s a social misfit. Awkward when he interacts because he’s in his own world. He can program a website, but he can’t make friends. Ironic that he created the one website wherein friending is the unit of exchange. Then the true psychopath shows up in Shawn Parker. Paranoid and fast talker he pushes to the max being a social misfit. Parties and girls. Girls and parties. Trouble follows him. I recognize these type of geeks. Driven by their own ambition but can’t really express it.

I was pretty geeked out when they did the geek stuff. I also recognized some of the old high-flying dot com days from my own days of yore.

4 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.