Scoring Update

Scoring Update
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
I graphed the scores from last nights Oscar frenzy showing how each of us did as the winners were announced.

Points if interest:
Everyone who started out bad had no chance. At least Annie, clawed her way out of the bad group and into the mediocre group.
Marge just stunk it up. Maybe if she had seen any movies she wouldn’t have been terrible.
Angeli and Ness could’ve scored higher if they knew about the scoring points.
At the Adapted Screenplay point, those with bad choices went south and the contenders rose. Separation is noticeable.
Akeshia made terrible choices after Documentary Short. I thought she had it, but she let one slip away.
It was all over by the Directing award. Brian and Eleanor jousting for the win.

The winner is actually Brian who guessed correctly on the first tie-breaker question: 4 Oscars to The King’s Speech.

Thanks again to all who played.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Scoring Update”

  1. Nice graph! My company's software generates graphs like that. Let me know if you want to fancy it up. lol

  2. That's the final score? I guess I am in the mediocre group.

  3. @Wyman: I forgot to mention that you rocketed out of the loser group and got that third!

    @annie: yes that the final score!

  4. Again, there's no way I'll win this. I need to watch more movies.

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