X-Men: First Class

These aren’t the X-Men I grew up with. This aren’t Professor Xavier’s first students. Where’s Jean Grey? Angel? Scott Summers? Iceman? Who’s this Darwin fella? Is he even in the comics? The Hellfire club was the original bad guys? Where’s The Fellowship of Evil Mutants? And how fucking funny is the title: The Fellowship of Evil Mutants? I think I got that wrong.

So, I caught X-Men: First Class and wish I hadn’t. They retconned everything. Why? Are we so bored of the original X-Men that we could not care to see any of them again? And then they get these guys to fill in? Banshee? Havok? Angel? I know I stopped reading X-Men, but where are all these mutants coming from?

The movie revolves around the Magneto versus Xavier view of being mutant: rule over or co-exist with humanity. Magneto comes through anger to create his world view. Xavier comes from privilege. Magneto was Bondian. Xavier was prissy. When did the X-Men become lame? (Right around the first xmen movie)

Well, at least Rose Byrne was in it. Once again, remember when she was the frumpy one?

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

6 Replies to “X-Men: First Class”

  1. Story by: Bryan Singer.

    You've got only a new director w/ a different vibe & different aesthetic value. Otherwise you've got the same guy. I was scratching my head piecing together where all them came from.

    Super 8 erased my thoughts of X-Men tho.

  2. You said it. I'm starting to think that Bryan Singer doesn't know anything.

    It would've been better if he had followed the first class comics which were more jocular in nature. But i think they've been focusing on the xavier vs magneto aspect of things too much.

    Super 8 much better

  3. One part of me was asking "Do I really have to lift up the Origins series?". I'm wondering if that would be helpful or a just complete insanity coz it would mean just to dig out dirt if there's any gospel truth to the movie. But Wolverine had it's Origins characters just not done in a lovely manner.

    I don't know what needs to be done with the movie. The movie itself was worth the penny (or the peso). The aesthetic lift or departure from the Singer taste had that effect then you think about their story and it goes back to Bryan Singer.

    Aesthetic value= it was like watching Oceans with Wanted & some Tony Gilroy (and oh, in a time warp! But then again tell me the period difference there?).

    I think I'm gonna end up copying my comments to add to my review. =D

  4. is that what they did to it? so upset right now. I was planning to see it but why would someone mess with the X-men, only the best comic ever.
    uggh hollywood…too screwed up from overkilling remakes

  5. @akeshia: they chose a whole different team as the "first class." No Cyclops or Jean Grey. Not even Ice Man. Marvel released a set of comics a couple years ago called "First Class" about the original team with more adventures. This is weak in comparison. Should've stuck with the original. They chose the wrong story.

  6. @ Browser: Yes, everything seems diff w/o Cyclops. Then you giggle for 5 seconds coz of Wolverine (THE Hugh Jackman) saying "F*ck off!"

    @ Akeshia: I suggest you still watch it. The story might be a little disappointing but those British accents rule it. =D

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