Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Would this review be about the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 or the book or both? I’m not too sure, but I guess I’m gonna start writing.

We caught this on the opening night, Thursday midnight. It was packed with you folks who probably learned to read reading the first Harry Potter book. And it was fun as everyone was into it. The last movie doing the last book, and doing it justice.

The first half hour was continuation of the first part and it felt like we walked into the middle of the film. It was the middle of the last film if you think about it. Then they went to get the horcruxes and the emotional rollercoaster began as the final parts of Harry Potter unspooled on screen. There was the Battle of Hogwarts and the final duel and then 17 year later. We were done and so is Harry’s story.

I think I like the final two books better than there movies. They were info dense and expository writing which made it difficult to bring to the screen a movie that “showed” rather than “tell.” I find that there is no money scene. The one to watch. I guess it is better in my head.

Overall, the movie is perfectly fine and wraps up the series well. I made everyone in the theatre happy and isn’t that how we wanted it?

4 of 5 stars

I can’t stand Twilight

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2”

  1. i had to stop reading your post halfway through. Even tho I know what happens, i still haven't seen the movie yet.

    And of course, i'm denying myself any chance to hear how awesome I know it is.

    long live harry!

  2. Come on Akeshia, you've already read the book. You know the ending.

  3. whatever to knowing the ending. i still cried during the movie.

  4. See…marge knows what i'm talking about. I have a special hogwarts hankie just in case.

    ahhh bittersweet. haven't felt like this since Return of Jedi before the prequels.

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