
Bond, Jason Bond. Or is it, Bond, Bruce Bond?

During the latest Bond adventure, Skyfall, you may think you’re in another installment of Jason Bourne: Die Another Day. Then later on you may think that James Bond is Batman. He’s an orphan with a big, big mansion. And a cave underneath! I’m Batman!

I’m not a big Bond fan. I’ve seen them all, because that’s what you have to watch on occasion. But I don’t try to figure it all out. Except, this latest installment was pretty good. Dark like The Dark Knight.

It is the prettiest looking Bond you’ll see, too. Give credit to Roger Deakins for his cinematography. The scene in the skyscraper in Macau was phenomenal.

And we get the Aston Martin to boot.

4 of 5 stars.

“We’ll face it all together at Skyfall.”

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Skyfall”

  1. Great review. Been watching Bond since a kid. Daniel Craig is Bond the stuntman – starting to like him. Bourne really stepped up the physical for all the Spy Movies. Ready to see Skyfall now!

  2. And you should. It's pretty good. Just as good as the early Bourne series.

    My reviews are getting worse though. DOn't know how to formulate thoughts any longer.

  3. I liked this "Skyfall" but for some reason it faded after two days (or something like that). I kindda like the feel of "Casino Royale" still. There's something in "Casino Royale" that makes me hold dear to it.

    "Skyfall" though is yes, like "The Dark Knight", he's human after all kindda feel. What about "Dark Knight Rises"? I'm a superhero and I'm getting old sort of thing, right?

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