Link of the Day [5.13.13]

Are you up early with the crack of dawn? How about starting it out right with some exercise? The NY Times presents the seven minute workout. This is just as good as a full hour in the gym. What a way to get started!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Link of the Day [5.13.13]”

  1. thanks for passing this on. I'm gonna try it at lunch time.

    How are you doing with your plan? I just started a new goal myself to be completed by November.

    Trying to remember it's all MIND OVER MATTER.

  2. The plan is not going well as of this moment. I've fallen off the bandwagon or fallen off the rower if you must say. I'm going have to reset my goal as well. Push it a few months.

    Hopefully, I can get back in the saddle again.

  3. I must report that this Seven Minute exercise truly works and it awesome in the morning.

  4. I'm always too lazy in the morning to try that out. I'm going to have to motivate myself. Aidez, moi!

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