Man Of Steel

Did Zach Snyder out Nolan Christopher Nolan with Man Of Steel? I think yes.

Man Of Steel was a dark tale, because of the Snyder pulling a page from the Christopher Nolan superhero playbook, by treating superheroes, Superman in this case, as if they never wore tights. I call it dark the movie put the superheroes in reality. Plus Zod was pretty nihilistic and lots of peopled died.

Because he followed Nolan’s pattern, Snyder didn’t come across as Snyder. Not many slow-fast-slow fights. There are still lots of fighting but Snyder’s trademark stop-motion does not appear in the film. He just let them fight. And Snyder likes to film them hand-to-hand. I always liked the train fight in Sucker Punch. In this film, Snyder made all his fights like the train fight.

And like any Nolan film, there are plot points and holes which make some aspects of the movie seem senseless. Deus ex machina comes into play just for the sake of things. At least, though, the fights were coherent.

One thing about DC movies lately, they aren’t full of tights.

4 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Man Of Steel”

  1. That movie was awesome. I want the sequel now, but I can't stop thinking where can they go from here? But I can't wait to see the ongoings of the daily planet.

  2. Superman will either fight that solar guy or help Eddie Murphy with a robbery. #questforpeace

  3. Sequel=Lex Luthor. Nothing can go wrong with Lex Luthor as villain. =p

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