First Daughter finishes last

There are PG rated movies that, while mainly catering to the preteen audience, can appeal to parents or the occasional adult who may catch it. Some of the enjoyable ones lately have featured pre-superstar, Lindsay Lohan. (Don’t believe me. Check out Parent Trap or Freaky Friday. They’re light and fun and don’t subject there older audience to mind numbingly dumb situations.) Unfortunately, First Daughter is not one. As a 33 year old male, this movie was not targeted to me, but I thought it would have at least offered something interesting. I was wrong. Even my mother, who actually saw Princess Diaries 2, thought it sucked. In the nearly empty theatre, even the older teen girls (16+ they drove) didn’t necessarily enjoy it. Although, one of them clapped when the big kiss came, but probably more from emotion than in approval of the movie.

Now I enjoy all movies I have gone to. The good. The bad. And the ugly. What little joy could be found in Katie Holmes. Though not a particularly intriguing part, she did give a performance that I liked. Bittersweetness she conveyed with those big, brown eyes. She should try to act in better movies. Another surprising thing is that the movie was filled with some recognizable actors, Micheal Keaton, that girl from ID4 who was Jeff Goldblum’s character’s estranged wife, and Lela Rochon. It was even directed by Forest Whitiker! Ghost Dog directing a preteen movie! Ghost Dog! How did this movie with this type of talent end up being bad to watch?

1 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

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