What now?

As you have probably heard by now, we are going to have another four more years of Bushism. Another four years of mismanagement. That is our future. What happens to the Democratic party after this is anyone’s guess. It wasn’t bad losing the presidential race, but to lose it by that close of a margin in the popular vote hurt. I keep asking myself, “What reality do I live in and what reality do those who voted for Bush live in?” Because, frankly, I think they’re different. My reality sees the empty rhetoric propogated by the Republican party, which culminates in the ridiculous presidential “compassionate conservative.” We have rewarded incompetency. It wasn’t a Democratic president who chose to ignore a serious threat to the country. It wasn’t a Democratic president who chose to squander a surplus and create a deficit which needs to be serviced soon. It wasn’t a Democratic president that started a futile war in the Middle East. But it wasn’t a Democratic candidate who won the election.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.