Down and out in Stockholm

The hotties have been eliminated. No!!! Why are the teams I root for always eliminated first. I think I had a thing for Christy, another cute brunette. They were did in by the last roadblock. Even reaching it in 5th place, they could not find the clue. Actually, Lena couldn’t but I feel disappointed. Who to root for in the next round?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Down and out in Stockholm”

  1. Dude, why do I have to sign up to blogger if I just what to make a comment?

    Anyways, I was rooting for them and was hoping they’d make it farther too. Can’t believe how unlucky you have to be to unroll over 100 hay rolls when your chances are like 1 in 13. I think I’m left rooting for the father/daughter team cuz they’re from our area.

  2. Hey a comment! From the Y man no less! You have to be unanonymous so that you don’t spam the comments.

    Yes, I am disappointed that the last of the hotties are gone from this season. As I said in a later post, nothing left but the anonymous models and quarreling couples. I don’t think I can root for anyone now, but that’s TAR for you: you’ll find another team to root for in the end.

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