Another great episode of the Amazing Race

Tues. 9:00 PM. CBS. The Amazing Race. It always has me on the edge of my seat. I am glad that this leg was a non-elimination leg. The elderly couple, Don and MJ stave off elimination for another day. Close call for Gus and Hera. These people have bad strategies. Choosing the slower detour is rather risky.

This leg occured in Dakar, Senegal. I liked when someone said that it sucks. I replied to the TV that they haven’t seen India yet.

Adam is an emo-boy. What a wuss. He’s damaged goods for Rebecca. I can’t wait for there elimination to see what each says and to see them on the CBS morning show. Will they still be seeing each other?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Another great episode of the Amazing Race”

  1. Dude, that guy is so lame. His mom still cut his fingernails when they met and she still became his girlfriend? OMG!

  2. Yes, Adam is lame. But he is so melodramatic. “Should I jump off this boat?” “Should I jump underneath this train?” That was like something I would’ve said at 16 to my girlfriend who was breaking up with me. “Don’t break up with me. I’ll just die. I’m gonna jump off a bridge.” How can that girl be going out with him? I can’t wait to see their elimination/final thoughts. That is going to be a painful CBS Morning interview. Couldn’t happen to a better person.

    When are you gonna post on your blog about the Amazing Race?

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