Quixotic Quest

Around October 2003 I had pledged to myself to read a book a week in order to get back into the groove of reading. I had spent lots of time reading stuff online and watching a lot of TV, but not much time reading any books. Therefore at that time I wanted to read more novels, some non-fiction and a few technical books. Unfortunately, I only read a handful of books within that year, and I stopped altogether around the summer of 2004. For a new year’s resolution, I want to read 3 books a month. That’s 3 times 12 equaling 36 books for the year. It don’t matter what genre, but I need to read a little more fiction. I would also like to reduce the number of non-fiction I read and limit my technical book reading. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in comments.

The first book for this is The Life of Pi. This has been on my bedside table since last year. I figure that I should try to finish it. Hopefully, I will be done within the week.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.