IMDb bottom 100

Pete over at APCB, the initials to the best named blog, ever, lists the movies he’s seen that are in IMDb’s bottom 100. I’ll do the same, but I find it a little bit unfair to try to match a professional blow by blow.

Speed 2: Cruise Control
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Bats — And I found this one interstingly hilarious.
Iron Eagle II
Jaws 3D — They used the 3D gimmick as an excuse to send a shark at you.
Tarzan, the Ape man
Jaws, The Revenge — Must be a shark thing.
Hercules, in New York — Saw during a bout of insomnia. Who knew that Arnie with a dubbed vocals could be so funny? Why not his own?

As you can see, I like watching quality films! Although, honestly, I have partially seen plenty of the others on the list, but these are the ones I actually sat through.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.