TextWrangler language modules

Speaking of smalltalk programming. I am using BBEdit’s younger, punky brother TextWrangler. I miss color coding. It seems you should be able to write a language module that gives me all the yummy goodness of syntax highlighting. I hoped that someone already has done one, but since I didn’t find an easy installation of smalltalk on Mac OS X, then I figured that there isn’t a big Mac smalltalk development community. Admittedly, I haven’t looked hard enough, but being lazy enough I hope to find something on these internets.

Any help, please, would be much appreciated.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “TextWrangler language modules”

  1. I chose GNU Smalltalk for its simplicity. The easiest way, it seems, to get it running is to install MacPorts, then run `sudo port install gst`.

    As for TextWrangler support… *shrugs* …that's what I'm looking for too.

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