Summertime weekly movie review. 2 for the non-price of one!

Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend signifying the beginning of summer. And that means the steady ramping up of movie watching. I love the summer movie block buster season. It’s like a whole new sport and every week a different game is on to watch.

First up this summer (not counting Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith) was Madagascar. Boring. I have seen lots of movies and this was the first one that bored me. Not very funny. Story was “ho-hum.” Animation was mediocre. After watching the Incredibles, this movie has sent the CG animated movies back a generation. It was nothing special. I can only recommend the penguin scenes and the monkeys.

2 of 5 stars.

Tonight. I caught The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It felt awkward to be in a theatre with teenie boppers, and I usually don’t considering I have seen She’s All That and Mean Girls in the theatres, alone in a crowd of very young girls. Why have a movie entitled traveling pants and not have the four protagonists wear them all the time? I expected the girls to have their story told while each one wore the pants. Not so. Early on the eponymous pants were brief in their appearance. Later they started playing a more prominent role, but by then I was disappointed. The movie was a tear jerker. The women and girls in the audience were crying. I was laughing. If I was more girly, I might have found it good. I am too much of a guy to have liked this movie.

2 of 5 stars for making me feel creepy.

Posted by broderic

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