Movie Review: Batman Begins

I was never a big Batman reader when I was actively reading comics. Perhaps, it was because I was a Marvel guy and always thought of DC Comics as the home of the SuperFriends cheese. I never even read Crisis on Infinite Earths until the late 90s.

Well, I caught Batman Begins last Wednesday. Let me tell you, I don’t even know what issue was this story line from. It certainly is from the post Frank Miller/Dark Knight Batman. Was this Detective Comics? Or Batman proper? Or maybe it is Year One? Am I getting this right you Batman fans?

Anyway, I liked the movie. Less campy than Tim Burton’s version. More dark and realistic which gave it a different tone.

Problems occured when the action was filmed too close. I could not understand what was going on. Also, Katie Holmes should stick with being Dawson’s girlfriend. She was too light and unserious for this film.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.