End of Summer Movie Season

Pretty soon it will be September. Hurrah! As it is my favorite month. Yet I have not finished this summer movie season strong. My attempts have trailed off the last couple of weeks. In fact I have seen some movies but have not posted my reviews because I essentially forgot that I did see them. Well, let me wrap up the latest films I have seen.

The Island is as absurd a movie as there ever was. Supposedly, Micheal Bay’s comeback to action vehicle. Umm. Has he ever been away from that genre? The most absurd aspect of that movie. Scarlett Johanson running away from god knows what. Ewan told her to run so she ran. Not like Tia Leone. Why did she run?
2 of 5 stars.

Valiant. We took my nephew. He got frightened from the evil hawk. I was wondering why none of the pigeons died. Come on it should’ve been the standard war movie plotting. Rag-tag bunch. Each one to die.
3 of 5 stars.

The Cave was not this year’s Deep Blue Sea. It should’ve been. Sad. It was not even good. But it was better than The Island.
3 of stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “End of Summer Movie Season”

  1. After looking at your ratings, you either see a lot of mediocre movies, have a high standard of filmmaking, or the movies out of Hollywood these days just plain suck. I tend to believe option 3 is a given but the first 2 could be part of the equation.

  2. Movies suck these days. Actually, they are just adequate. Not sucking too bad and not being good. I think it has to do with summer time fare.

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