The Amazing Race Season 8 Family Edition

I am still digging on the Amazing Race Family Edition. But it’s not as fun as the normal style, because they are going to be sticking in the US. There seems to be no flights to foreign lands which, if you know anything about the Amazing Race, the airport is the great equalizer.

Today’s episode had them running around York, PA and then onto Washington, D.C. Just around my backyard. I wondered when they did this? I would’ve liked to have seen them running. They did go down I-83, and I was expecting them to be stuck circling the beltway trying to find I-95 south.

This style is going to be a drag, if they don’t start bunching. I think I am still rooting for the all girls squad. Also, the son-in-laws.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

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