The 80,000lb Gorilla of the Christmas Movie Season

Looks as if my niche of movie reviewer has just been invaded by my buddy at the seed who has posted his own take on King Kong. From the title, I guess he don’t like it.

Well we saw it on the opening night, and we left the theatre with the same impression. The movie could’ve been better. I must agree with the seed that the movie should have been tightened up more. It was 3 hours that didn’t feel like 3 hours yet was feeling fully like 3 hours was passing by. The length of the film is a problem. I thought Jackson should’ve trimmed 5 minutes from each scene. I think he’s got auteur fever running through his veins. Feel the time.

Nami Watts was a pleasure to watch. She’s beautiful and I could certainly understand how Kong could fall for such a beauty. Yet, I found some of the interaction between her and the monkey kind of rediculous. I can’t believe that that monkey could’ve stayed up on that ice. I couldn’t believe the vaudeville act would work.

I regret that Jackson had to add the Jimmy character. I thought he was going to shoot the monkey in the end. What with all the build up around him. I thought he was going to be a major character, yet he turned out to be just a minor character.

Overall, it was good. Watch it for the holiday season as it is the movie to watch. Just don’t think it will be the knockout that the professional reviewers are saying it is.

3 of 5 stars.

“I don’t like the police, but I do like Kong. And what they did to Kong was wrong. It was wrong. What they did to Kong was wrong. It was a big wrong. A big W.”

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “The 80,000lb Gorilla of the Christmas Movie Season”

  1. You know what it is? It’s that I think that I just expected something better from Peter. It’s not a terrible film, it’s almost mediocre. Mediocre on a BIG scale. It had everything you wanted in a movie, yet I didn’t get excited. I think I’m just bummed because it really felt like the movie was rushed to make it for Christmas. It just bothered me to think of Peter saying how passionate he was about Kong. We definitely saw his passion for Kong the gorilla. But I wasn’t feeling the passion for King Kong the movie. It felt like he was trying to jam that film down my throat instead of letting me slowly digest it. I’d like to see what the dvd version is gonna be.

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