Underworld (D)Evolution

When I saw the first Underworld, I was slightly impressed. I don’t go for vampires. No fascination with them whatsoever. Yet, this war with werewolves was intriguing. If I had blogged the movie back then, my review would’ve been a solid 3 of 5 stars. Mediocre but watchable.

Well the sequel to Underworld had opened up last week and I had to watch it. I confess that I was anticipating it for the last month. Not only for Kate Beckinsale in tight leather, but to finish up the story. I was sorely disappointed. In fact, I think I was played for the fool.

This sequel starts off perhaps minutes after the last, but it is light years from the first. I can’t believe that this was the same setting as the last. It seems as if the writer and the director wanted to throw out everything good about the previous film and start anew. And where they started was at the core of Blood Rayne (I have not seen it, but I am sure it is just as crappy). It then flows into a mire of crap. The trilogy seemed condensed into a two-parter. Perhaps they knew with this stinker of a movie that they could not tell it all because they’ll all be fired by then. There was more chases, more Kate Beckinsale skin (a plus!!), and more vampires. After the defeat of the werewolves there was no more enemy except themselves. Vampire v. Vampire. As Butthead would’ve said, “This sucks, Beavis.” What happened?

Don’t make the third installment. I won’t watch it after being robbed.

2 of 5 stars. For the naked side of Kate Beckinsale.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.