Adventures from the Netflix Queue

Do you believe in Serendipity? As I sit here trying to write up a review of the latest flick from my Netflix queue, I don’t know. Before sitting down, I thought that the movie stunk. If it is supposed to be a romantic comedy, there was nothing funny about it. There was really nothing romantic about it. John Cusack waits until the night of his wedding to realize that he doesn’t love his fiancee, attempts find the long lost love of his life, and dumps his fiance on the altar? Excuse me, but isn’t that the opposite of romance, but really terrible and heart breaking?

I couldn’t believe it, romance, what a lark!

But then the serendipitous moment occurred. Wasn’t yesterday Valentine’s day? I missed it again. Alone naturally. And guess who starred in the flick. Kate Beckinsale! A hottie! And guess what, there’s a nice, little, untitled post up on Capitol Swell celebrating the hotness of her. And our buddy at the seed, was inspired to do a hottie countdown/roundup from that post.

So you see how fortuitous things are. I watch a supposed romantic comedy the day after Valentine’s day alone, which starred the hottie who inspired my buddy to begin his hottie countdown!

How weird is that?

By the way, I marked the movie as 2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Adventures from the Netflix Queue”

  1. I love that movie. It’s all you need for a date movie… Kate Beckinsale. Seriously though, I thought it was just a cute little movie about running into someone out of the blue. Although it’s been done better, Before Sunrise, Annie Hall, Breakfast at Tiffany”s, Lost in Translation, Princess Bride, and The Muppet Show to name a few. But I like it’s thrifty feeling. There wasn’t much going on. It was just a simple story of one searching for someone else on a whim, while the other is afraid to change or doesn’t realize until later. It was kind of silly toward the end. Why didn’t he just break off the wedding in the first place? He seemed so distant. Anyways, I thought it was cute enough for it’s purpose and gave it 3 stars, I like the soundtrack. Her boyfriends video was hilarious “You don’t think he looks like he hates it?” Also did I mention it features Kate at her cutest, while doing her nose crinkle thingy?
    Can you guess where my 16 hotties list is going?

    I saw that in the theater by myself in Cali. When I was buying the ticket the lady on the loud speak said “for two” in a line full of couples. Assuming that I had someone… it was kind of depressing to go to a date movie without a date. “For one please” hee hee. Depressing. =)

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