I need to hurry up

Is it the Mac’s Moment? According to the wall street journal it could be. Let me highlight the one passage that is really intriguing:

Already, there are signs Apple is gaining some ground: Some software developers are warming up to using Macs for programming.

For years, many software developers sniffed at Macs. About five years ago, though, Apple introduced a sweeping upgrade of its operating system called Mac OS X, derived from Unix, a high-performance, reliable operating system long used in scientific and other demanding computing environments.

There it is. Programmers will slowly be flocking to the Mac platform. I need to hurry up and create some killer app. I need to be the big fish in the small pond once the floods come in and inundate our happy little pond.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “I need to hurry up”

  1. You should… we’re at the cusp of change and your at it’s vortex. Hee hee. Time to geek the hell out.

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