Ono big time

One of the big name bloggers links to Jay’s Strange Blog’s tale of coffee nerdness. Interesting. If he had a statcounter, I wonder what his traffic would say today.

Updated: Now you can check out the video of the whole affair.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “Ono big time”

  1. It’s funny to think your link to his link eventually links back to you and this link. It is a viscous spiralling vortex of the internet. A virtual blackhole you just created. People will be forever stuck behind their terminal.

  2. Where’s that Hot Dog post?

  3. Hey dude check your email account. I sent you the questionaire back. Hoep it was helpful and easily understood. If not just shoot me back an email on what you further need to be explained. Or that is reworded.

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