Le Tour 2006: Damn you La Toussuire!

This has been an amazing Tour. What seemed to be Floy Landis’s time came to an abrupt and stunning end on the top of La Toussuire. This was the first time that the Tour had visited this particular climb, and it will now go down as the scene of carnage.

I haven’t seen the footage, but I can hear Paul Sherwin proclaiming, “This is an utter disaster for Landis.” It must have been something to see. Oh! What could’ve been.

There is still tomorrow’s final mountain stage and with the crowd at the top of the leader board it is still anyone’s race. If it’s not decided tomorrow, then the individual time trial on Saturday will definitely sort things out.

I am bummed out for Floyd Landis. He looked so promising. This is one strange Tour, but exciting.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.