In Transit


I keep a meticulous log of mileage in my car. I know what each of the ticks on the gas gauge means. How much gas left in the tank. How much further I can go before stopping and fueling up. It’s a metrics I like.

This last tank of gas has been less than average. I was at 150 trip miles on the 3/8 tick mark (the third from the right/full). I was at 198 at the half way mark. By my calculations, I am lagging about 6 miles from my average, and I know why.


I’ve been stuck in traffic the last couple of days. On Tuesday, it took an hour and 20 minutes to get to work. The normal commute is half that. Tonight, it took another hour to get to my mom’s. The normal commute is half that. All this traffic is impacting my gas mileage. And I notice it.

I’m getting tired of driving. When I’m sitting in traffic, wending my way to work, I’m thinking about public transportation. I want a better commute. *sigh*

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.