Dream Academy

Here’s one I had which woke me up early this morning. Don’t do an analysis on this one. She’s not in it. Or if she was I am trying not to remember. Anyway it is more of a strange dream. I don’t know what it means.

I’m back in school at the U for only one class and all my favorite peopele are in it. There’s the gang from Shore Studios. There’s my cousin who’s also my roomate. There’s the hot Jamaican chinese girl. THere’s some others.

The class is some kind of writing class or a literature class.

THe first class goes by. We have a discussion. I take notes on the back of a receipt.

I am sitting in the back. At the end of the class we get to order food and drinks.

I am going to the next class following some frat guys with no shoes. I wonder why they think themselves to be cool without any shoes on.

The next class I want to get close to the hot Jamaican chinese girl so I sit up front. I place my notebook on my desk to save it and go out to the bathroom. I follow the hot Jamaincan chinese girl in. She takes my spot. So I sit by my friends from shore studios. A sits with her husband I think. W sits behind. The class starts and again I try to take notes on a receipt the same receipt from the last class. I have to turn it over because I am running out of space. I finally remember my notebook.

The instructor then puts on a movie for us to watch. It’s terrible. I put my head down to go to sleep, but in minutes the movie’s over.

The instructor passes back homework and receipts from the last class.

We have some time left in the class so we have discussion time. The instructor asks if anyone has been divorced. A raises her hands and asks back, “What kind of question is that/”. The instructor asked this question because he’s in the middle of one which is making him sad.

The class is over. W and I go out. I am ask him why we do comm more. He wonders the same about A.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Dream Academy”

  1. wanna borrow a dream dictionary? i have one.


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