Amazing Senility

Usually, my dreams are about long, lost infatuations. Not this time.

I woke wondering if I really did win the Amazing Race. You see it started because early in the evening I had watched the latest episode of the Amazing Race. It was ta-ta for Kentucky who should’ve done better, but missed the all too important turn off to the detour. Sucks as they seem to be genuine and generous people deserving of winning $1 million.

Anywhoo, back to my dream…

I was participating in the race. I can’t rightly say who my partner was or even if I did. Maybe it was Capitol Swell as he seemed to clue me in on some meaning of the clue to help me win.

I was running around a mall. It seems that the final stage had me run through a mall and find some magazine. In the magazine (or book) there was a clue which upon purchasing the magazine needs to be read by the checkout person.

I had a substantial lead, but squandered it away getting lost (like Kentucky!) with the last couple teams catching up. We find the same place. We find the rack. I pull a magazine, but end up in second after another team. They get to the checkout, but the checkout person can’t say they have it. This is where Capitol Swell comes to whisper, “Dude, the tag!” I run back and exchange the magazine for the correct one, checkout, and announced the winner.

Right. I should’ve made it to the carpet, but my dream took me straight to winning the $1 million. WooHoo!

Well, Phil interviews me and the first thing I say is that I am quitting my job. (For half a million after taxes! Sweet!) I worry about doing the talk show rounds. I do the CBS morning show, and I say that I doubt that I can win against the robot team of Rob and Amber. They’re awesome!

What a strange dream that one was.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “Amazing Senility”

  1. Are you kidding we would dominate any Amazing race. CapitolSwell and BrowserMetrics globe trotting and figuring out puzzles. We would be a juggernaut

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