“But you’re not kissing a married woman.”

Tossing and turning throughout the night. It was too hot, because it was too cold. My furnace was running all night long. I woke up at 3. I woke up at 5. I woke up at 8.

It was when I was waking up at 8 did I get another dream. With I. I thought I was through with her. Yet the heat got to me.

She’s visiting. I don’t really know why. Knowing what I know about her I ask, “How’s your little girl?” “She’s good.” And we’re off talking about her family.

Yet, we end up in an embrace. She’s on my lap now, and I am kissing her half-hearted.

“I don’t feel comfortable kissing a married woman with kids.”

“But you’re not kissing a married woman.” She wants me to show her how.

And we embrace in an even more passionate way.

I miss that. The feel of a woman. Their body next to yours.

Why do I feel the need to write these down? Why do I post them on the internet? Anyway, I thought the quote was great, something Barbara Stanwyck would say.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to ““But you’re not kissing a married woman.””

  1. You know, embracing a loved one is something that we (who are in a relationship) take for for granted. Thanks for reminding me how great it is. And keep dreaming for her, she’ll come.

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