The plug

Almost forgot, The Host.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to “The plug”

  1. Yeah, it was ok. After seeing Memories of Murder, I expected more from this film. Check out that film if you Netflix queue isn’t that long.

  2. Good to see that you got my less than enthusiastic reaction to seeing this flick.

    Memories of murder is next in my netflix queue, but I haven’t received 40 guns which was supposed to be here by saturday

  3. btw, you may want to sit down before you click this link:

  4. April Fools right? I saw that Sunday! I’m not sure if Moore is any more hotter than Anderson. I just want a sciency red head. Mmm. Scully!

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