On the road

It’s getting to be nice outside. It’s time to ride my bike.

I’ve gone out the past 4 days!

The first day was just trying to get to know the feeling again. I rode about 5 1/2 miles, and it was pure hell. It didn’t help that I did it after a nap which probably sapped my energy. First day out always seem to suck.

The next few were better. Today though, I found out how out of shape I am. I have no power in my legs. I tried to sprint a few times, but couldn’t keep it up for more than a few seconds. And the hills or the small bumps in the road, it makes me thankful of that granny gear.

I’m gonna have to tune my bike soon though. It’s been a while since I have given it the care it deserves.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “On the road”

  1. yeah weather’s really turning great. i need to buy new rubber shoes that will make me push myself to run/ jog again. i need to! (coz for one the meatball sub that i just ate is making me feel guilty)

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