28 Weeks Later

Contrary to what Marge says, I wanted to write up my review, or thoughts on, 28 weeks Later

In most horror films, there is the jerk. The character that does things against the grain in service of selfish ideas rather than in service of the survivors, like Burke in Aliens or Ed in Shaun of the Dead. It’s the character you want most to die, and to be there when it happens in the most gruesome of way. In 28 Weeks Later, I felt that the two kids where that character. If not for their own selfish reasons, this movie would’ve been over in half the time. They were the prime motivators for killing off the human race, but they shouldn’t have survived. They should’ve died the gruesome death of the jerk onscreen for us to cheer. I would’ve liked the movie that way. I couldn’t like this movie when the characters I really wanted to live didn’t.

Plus, there were plot points that made no sense. Why did it take hours to find the children in a deserted London? Why is the US Military incometent? How on an island can you let zombies escape? WTF?

The movie is badly plotted. And the twist, which I thought wasn’t going to happen, happened. And I called it when I did not want to believe it. That’s what killed it for me.

2 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “28 Weeks Later”

  1. ok so maybe i reminded u that u had to do it or that yeah, we did see it. sad… Georgia Rules? haha!

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