On the road. Again

Back in the saddle after an unfortunate 3 week hiatus.

I road the old standby once around the block. It felt good, but awkward. My riding form has regressed, and I was peddling squares all ride. It was even more pronounced than earlier this year. My mind was used to riding a certain way, but the body wasn’t co-operating.

I had company along the way, too, for a bit. He complimented me on my bike. I kind of brushed him off which makes me feel bad. I would like to have a riding partner, but someone closer to my abilities. He said he rides with some others a couple of times a week. That’s more than I have done. Luckily, he was at the end of his ride because we parted company early in mine.

After the ride, I checked my cycling computer. I was amazed at what the readout was: 12.95 miles in 45 minutes! I don’t believe it. I think the battery is dying or it needs to be recalibrated. Those numbers are above my usual and it didn’t feel it.

I need to ride more this month.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to “On the road. Again”

  1. congratulations! thats a nice thing to hear as against a sugar rush i had this afternoon. you’d not want to hear that though. =p

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