Ocean’s 13

Ocean’s 13 is another of the dreaded third installment of a trilogy that seem to have infected the movie theatres this summer. In this one, Danny Ocean and his band of con-men have come back to Vegas to avenge the honor of one of their own who was put into the hospital after a deal had gone sour. By coming back to Vegas, the story arc has come full circle. It tries to capture the magic from the first Ocean’s movie, but it fails to be as inspired as that one.

The key to these films is to know that they all have fun happens. And this one didn’t have much fun. I think it was because of the lack of Bernie Mac and too much of Matt Damon. Did you notice that he’s the one who fools around with the girl? So the first had George Clooney, Brad Pitt the second, and this one Matt Damon’s turn. Plus, he doesn’t get the girl in the end. Ellen Barkin’s character was used for laughs. She was treated very respectfully and in a film with guys you needed a girl for some balance. They should’ve hit her on the head or punched her in the face. With the way they treated her it wouldn’t have seemed out of place.

Anyway, this installment was just so-so. Neither exciting like the first or embarrassing like the second. It just went along, to make it’s money.

3 of 5 stars

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

2 Replies to “Ocean’s 13”

  1. What was emberassing about the second? What I dug about the second it felt as if this is the kind of they wanted to make. A silly throwback sorta film. The plot is lame but overall it’s a fun little film. Too bad none of these were truly “heist” films.

    I felt the last shot of the Ocean’s Twelve captured the essence of their films. They were just out for a laugh. Nothing more, nothing less.

    The problem with the first and second is that there was no tension.

  2. i still like Ocean’s 11. this is one movie that if i had the energy to do a review (but sadly i dont think i have), i would have said “I liked the movie but…” but to fill in something positive, i liked the movie because…(1) its the 3rd installment of something ive started watching, (2) george, brad, casey, scott, andy.

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