100 years 100 movies 10 year celebration

I am currently watching AFI’s 100 years 100 movies. I get goosebumps when certain films come one. I loved seeing Sullivan’s Travels and It Happened One Night. Goosebumps. I want to see the entire list, but these hours may take a while.

One thing about it, I’m sure it’s contreversial. How can you choose?!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

5 Replies to “100 years 100 movies 10 year celebration”

  1. I couldn’t stop watching. But the only thing that sucked is that some of the movies I haven’t seen were almost ruined when they showed the endings. Oh well.

    But I thought it was a fairly good list. I mean it was voted on so that’s gotta mean something.

    I suddenly feel like watching 100 damn movies. =)

    Movies rule.

  2. Oh by the way. That Blade Runner commercial kicked all sorts of ass. I got a little teary eyed.

  3. Seed: “I suddenly feel like watching 100 damn movies. =)”— dont tell me that, coz i was thinking the same way. except that i think i have to pass Snow White coz its like so near to my memory already.

    Browser: goosebumps?!? all i felt was the excitement of seeing the movie show up on the list and say either: id like to see it or id like to see it again now.

  4. I missed the first 20. I’m downloading the list now. I wonder how many did I see already.

  5. can you post the list? It’s not loading on my mac.

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