Vote Moe

While I don't think any in the final four are worthy of being the best
character ever, I urge you to vote Moe to keep the hegemony of Homerism
out of the office.,0,536877.specialTroy McClure should've cleaned up here. You remember him from such
polls as "The top 5 lawyerisms," "Mince or Mice," and "Who's afraid of
Yolanda Wolf?"

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to “Vote Moe”

  1. i must agree. stop the bart-ism and homer-ism. they should’ve got marge (hahaha! =p) or maggie for a Simpson, and Krusty the Clown!!! but since my supposed bets got kicked early on, Moe should rule this!!! (vote for Ralph too so that Homer gets kicked now.)

  2. Best Simpson Character ever? That’s retarded. As much as I’ve grown to like other characters it’s hands down Homer. There’s no one more iconic than Homer Simpson. He’s the Indy Jones of TV.

  3. You cant vote for just one, its impossible. Its like saying what is beter chocolate or peanut butter, when the fact is you can put the two together…but if you think about it coke is better then pepsi.

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