“Boo, Lisa. Boo.”

The Nanny Diaries.

Better than expected considering that it is currently at 31% approval at RottenTomatoes.com. Look I don’t think it was the greatest movie this summer or this year, but it was serviceable. I liked the story even if it was predictable. I didn’t think that Scarlett Johansson sucked. She was okay. I liked the flourishes the directors did.

But I didn’t read the book. But who cares?

I certainly don’t define my movie viewing habits by who gives what to which movie.

I liked it.

3 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

4 Replies to ““Boo, Lisa. Boo.””

  1. Then why give us a review? =)

  2. Because I said, “I don’t” but I didn’t say anything about you. In fact you should just follow what I am saying and watch it because I liked it.

    Just kidding.

    Most of my movies reviews are posted to give me some record of my movie viewing habits, to help in my writing, and to drive traffic to my site from feed aggregators.

  3. Ahhh. It’s all about the traffic. Hee hee. Just use phrases containing the word “anus”. That’s what I do.

  4. argh!!! =o
    thanks for posting your, erm, review. =p

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