“Cadbury got up early this morning and left, along with my wallet, my credit cards, my TV, my stereo and most of my furniture.”

Steve Jobs, that magnificent bastard, lowered the price for the iPhone to $399. That’s $200 cheaper than two months ago. Let the whining begin.

Hey, CapitolSwell can you start a letter writing campaign?

UPDATE: They got the 4 GB iPhone going for $299 while supplies last. Looks to be we’re gonna be getting that 16 GB version for Christmas!

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to ““Cadbury got up early this morning and left, along with my wallet, my credit cards, my TV, my stereo and most of my furniture.””

  1. yeah thanks for telling me. i got myself thinking a million times right away… or maybe i’ll still wait. =)

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