“It’s not just about the allmighty dollar. It’s also about the plucky little dime, the omnipresent nickel, and the ferocious quarter.”

[i am iron man]
da. da. da da-DAA.

Seriously though, this looks awesome.

Hopefully, Favreau picks up the pace and makes it a tight movie. I know next to nothing about Iron Man. So I don’t know how neat this is going to be. Perhaps that’ll make it less sucky-disappointing when I do watch it.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

3 Replies to ““It’s not just about the allmighty dollar. It’s also about the plucky little dime, the omnipresent nickel, and the ferocious quarter.””

  1. Yeah. It’ll be interesting to see a Comic Book film I know nothing about. Also I’d like to see why Capitol Swell hates him so much.

    I just hope this is no Zathura repeat. I can’t believe you me and Mr. Mysteriouso saw that in the theater. Hee hee.

  2. Iron man hates civil liberities

  3. Iron man is a pawn of the government. He makes killing machines for the express purpose of keeping the masses down.

    Viva Zapata!

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