“Well, Dave… really, I appreciate your Dungeons and Dragons approach to office management, but I left my twelve-sided dice at home…”

D-War or Dragon Wars or whatever?!

Lookit, the stars have aligned and it seems my NewsRadio quote matches something I want to blog about. Hooray!


D-Wars is the movie that Uwe Bolle wants to make. Pretentious, but bad. Really. Really. Bad. I know that I say don’t follow what other reviewers are saying, but in this case I saw it and it is bad.

First, the actors. I don’t know who the actors are that inhabit the main characters, but I hope that they can still find some work in Tinseltown. If not, there’s always Vancouver. It’s not that they are terrible, but I assume the Korean language barrier made it difficult for them to know what was to be conveyed in a scene so they acted like they were baffled. Certainly seemed to be the case.

Another baffling things is continuity. I joke about Vancouver, but they leading lady was supposedly 19, almost 20, but her friend takes her to a bar to drown her sorrows. Is the drinking age 18 in Canada? Are they even in the US? Wasn’t this supposed to be taking place in LA?

The final showdown took place in Mordor. Suddenly everyone was there. How did they get there? Where is there? Hunh? And tell me, after vanquishing the evil dragon, how is the hero going to get back?

Too many questions.

At least the fight over LA was kind of neat. Kind of. Really.

1 of 5 stars.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to ““Well, Dave… really, I appreciate your Dungeons and Dragons approach to office management, but I left my twelve-sided dice at home…””

  1. Philippines’ drinking age is 18, u can even drink at 10. woohoo!

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