“Her name’s Bambi?”

While searching for links to the previous post, I had come across this bit of greatness. I wanted to use it, but it didn’t fit the tone of that post.

Here it is now.

My favorite episode. My favorite character, evah! One of these days. I plan to watch every episode of The X-Files that I have on DVD and maybe comment on it. One of these days.

Or perhaps October can be The X-Files quote month. Erm. Probably not as it’s already a chore for NewsRadio Quote Month.

Mmmmm, Scully.

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.

One Reply to ““Her name’s Bambi?””

  1. dude, this is hilarious. it’s a spoof right? not an actual episode. wow, it too have to watch the seasons of x file.

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