España 2007: A day lost

Wake up, sleepy heads! Basement door The day at home Villas in the evening Denia la via

Aug 13, 2007

1:00 Villa Ellicott
Days consist of the same. I wake up earlier than everyone. Wait for them to get up at noon. Eat lunch. Then wait to go wherever. Read my book.

The waiting took the form of staying. Walter had some kind of ailment and didn’t allow us to go to Calpe. He was dizzy and mom blamed it on hypertension. So we stayed and Bernard took them to a hike on the Pinyon d-ifache. That dude sucks. Always taking his good old time. I hate waiting for them.

I wanted to get out of the house. Mostly to see Calpe which is a neat beach. What happened, Walt?

Posted by broderic

Yo! I'm the writer here. Super sauce.